Good Afternoon,
Once I signed onto Google Reader for the first time, I first subscribed to Dr. Maurer's recommended sites. I then did some exploring on the topic of Web 2.0 Technologies. I did a search based on topics like web blogging and connectivism. I also did searches on web 2.0 tech gurus like Will Richardson, George Siemens, and Marc Prensky. The blogs that I subscribed to is listed on the right side of this blog page as a blog roll.
I noticed that your blog pages were not set up with the blog roll list. It was a bit tricky, but I figured it out. If you are interested, here are directions on how you can developed the "blog roll" on your blogger.
Step 1. Log onto your blogger account, then go to your blog and click on ‘designs’.
Step 2. When you see the design outline of your blog page, there are a couple of places where it says ‘Add a Gadget’. (I choose the ‘Add the Gadget’ template on the right side on my post to place my Google Reader feeds there.)
Step 3. When you click on ‘Add a Gadget’, a menu will pop up. Scroll down the menu and choose ‘Blog List’. Another menu will appear so you can fill in a title for you blog feeds. You can sort and show what you would like on your blog feeds.
Step 4. After naming a title for your feeds, click on ‘Add to Lists’ (a second menu will pop up) and then choose ‘import subscriptions from Google Reader’.
Step 5. Choose which feeds you want from your Google Reader onto your blog roll and then press ‘Add’. Once you click on ‘Add’, the first menu will still be there and then choose ‘save’. Once you save, your template will show your blog roll on your design and on your blogger.
I hope this helps, check out ‘Connectivism’, and ‘Forum Discussions – Classroom 2.0’, these feeds are ways to connect to other educators in the teaching profession on the modern topics of teaching with the use of Web 2.0 Technologies. I have many more on my blog roll for you to view. Please feel free and check them out. If you are interested in any of them, subscribe to them.
Tim Quinn